
Скачать с Яндекс диска Voice-Over Acting And Training: An In-Depth Masterclass

Скачать с Яндекс диска Voice-Over Acting And Training: An In-Depth Masterclass

File Name:Voice-Over Acting And Training: An In-Depth Masterclass
Content Source:https://www.udemy.com/course/voice-over-acting-and-training-an-in-depth-masterclass/
Genre / Category: Photography
File Size :12.5 GB
Updated and Published:March 13, 2024
Product Details

Have you ever considered pursuing a career as a voice actor or actress? Are you interested in the voice-over industry but unsure if your voice is suitable or if you need to invest a significant amount of money in equipment? Rest assured! This course will provide you with all the valuable insights and techniques that professional voice actors utilize to secure renowned and lucrative projects. Whether you are an experienced professional, a parent, or a beginner who has recently developed an interest in voice acting, this course offers a wealth of information for individuals from all walks of life. Join me as I guide you through the fundamentals, the industry experts, and the methodologies of voice-over work, using practical examples, hands-on tips, and interactive training methods. Throughout this course, you will learn how to establish a proper setup, select the appropriate microphone, and choose useful accessories. Additionally, you will gain confidence in recording for commercials, finesse in narrating audiobooks, and expressiveness in bringing animation and video game characters to life. You will even delve into the realm of accents and age ranges, as well as discover how to incorporate music and sound effects to enhance the depth and richness of your work. Remember, when it comes to voice-over work and the boundless possibilities that await, the sky is truly the limit!

Скачать с Яндекс диска Voice-Over Acting And Training: An In-Depth Masterclass

Скачать с Яндекс диска Voice-Over Acting And Training: An In-Depth Masterclass
