
Скачать с Яндекс диска BUTTERY ACADEMY – Learn filmmaking and cinematography

Скачать с Яндекс диска BUTTERY ACADEMY – Learn filmmaking and cinematography

File Name:BUTTERY ACADEMY – Learn filmmaking and cinematography
Content Source:https://matteobertoli.podia.com/404
Genre / Category: Photography
File Size :5.1 GB
Updated and Published:March 13, 2024
Product Details

I have condensed my 10 years of industry experience into a 4-day master class for this course, aiming to enhance your filmmaking skills. Moreover, this course emphasizes the importance of behind-the-scenes content. Instead of leaving it to your imagination, I provide precise examples and scenarios to illustrate my points. I thoroughly explain my on-set activities and showcase the outcomes. I strongly believe in demonstrating real-life situations and providing tangible examples, which sets this course apart.The course spans a total of 10 hours, divided into 4 lessons.

Throughout the 10-hour program, I will cover the following topics:

1. Strategies to differentiate yourself from competitors
2. Mastery of production workflow
3. Techniques for creating captivating lighting scenes
4. Selecting the appropriate equipment to produce impactful footage
5. Crafting a portfolio that truly resonates with you.

Скачать с Яндекс диска BUTTERY ACADEMY – Learn filmmaking and cinematography

Скачать с Яндекс диска BUTTERY ACADEMY – Learn filmmaking and cinematography
